Baltic Amber Benefits

Baltic Amber is a low-maintenance stone that does not require charging or thorough cleansing; its soothing warmth is available for you now and as you need it!

Wearing Baltic amber is an easy way to relieve pain and inflammation, increase your immunity, and support the well-being of your body-- inside, out.

Baltic amber relieves pain and inflammation

Baltic amber is not a painkiller in itself; succinic acid is the active compound found in amber that has analgesic properties where it can assist in pain relief.

Baltic amber contains around 3-8% succinic acid and has been studied for years in contemporary medicine. The highest concentration of succinic acid is found in the amber cortex--the outermost layer of the stone.

When you wear Baltic amber, trace oils from the resin are absorbed through your skin as it heats to your body temperature. This allows the amber’s acid to enter your bloodstream leading to maximum therapeutic benefit.

Baltic amber supports the immune system

Scientific research has shown that succinic acid has a positive influence on the body by improving immunity and speeding up wound healing.

On top of that, amber is an excellent natural antibiotic. In the past, alchemists and doctors used powdered amber as a poultice to dress wounds to assist those that need healing.

Topical use of amber has been well researched for hundreds of years and amber bead necklaces are often found in pharmacies in Poland, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria to this day.

Baltic amber supports the throat and thyroid gland

Amber is thought to be supportive to the throat when it is worn as a necklace; especially for the thyroid glands.

The thyroid, in particular, benefits from Baltic amber because the succinic acid it contains stimulates the thyroid to assist with soothing bodily inflammation and assists balancing an under-active or overactive thyroid.

Amber’s anti-inflammatory properties may even be helpful to those with a sore throat and assist with vocal training by way of supporting the vocal cords and esophagus.

Baltic amber can assist with anxiety and stress

Our nervous system entails our motion and thought process. Sometimes we have built up stress and anxiety caused by physical or mental blockages.

Amber is calming and can assist with reducing anxiety in babies and toddlers while also offering these benefits to children and adults.

Natural compounds found in Baltic Amber are especially useful for combating distress in babies and adults alike. Amber’s beauty is quite therapeutic in itself, but the stones when worn or used for massaging, allow amber’s chemical properties to assist in de-stressing.

Further, amber beads can be used as a meditation tool to assist with mental clarity, relaxation and an improved sense of well-being.

Other conditions baltic amber can help with

  • Colds: The immune system is strengthened by amber, which helps thwart chances of you catching the cold, fever, or flu.

  • Cellular Respiration: The body may lack efficient cellular respiration. The decrease in function could be due to buildup or many other unknown reasons. Succinic acid is able to provide optimal cellular respiration and glucose metabolism so that our body can take in oxygen and sugar for our required needs.

  • The Heart: Succinic acid can also play a role in the regulation of blood and how that heart pumps that supply. Baltic amber is as much of an option for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases by improving the conditions. Word has it that amber can even prevent heart attacks.

  • Teething and Colic Pain: Amber today is probably most known for its effect on kids. It is quite the star for helping relieve baby teething and colic pain. The beads should be worn so the succinic acid can be released to the skin where it provides a soothing and healing effect.

  • Body Cleansing: The mystical wonders of amber is able to rid the body of chronic pain and built up negative energy. It can promote concentration and heal our organs such as the liver and intestines. The body works better and feels more refreshed as a result.

Diamonds are forever but Amber is Rare…